The seminar aimed to highlight that the possession of various types of weapons by citizens without regulations constitutes a blatant violation of national security principles, human rights, and the state’s integrity. It also significantly contributes to undermining government authority, spreading chaos, and supporting terrorism, while countering government efforts to restrict weapons to the state and regulate possession and carrying. Furthermore, it poses a persistent threat to civilian life and becomes involved in conflicts and disputes as dangerous tools that end human lives.
The seminar recommended that the government take executive steps to help control a portion of these weapons by providing compensation to those who surrender them, emphasizing heavy, medium, and rapid-fire weapons, as well as weapon components and silencers used in treacherous killings and assassinations. The government could also invite tribal leaders, who are deemed aware and nationally conscious, to contribute in this area, in addition to the influence of religious fatwas and teachings from all sects in controlling these weapons by prohibiting their use and possession without legal permission or valid authorization.
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