Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Kazem Jabr Al-Jubouri, President of Al-Qadisiyah University, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hayawi Waheed Attia Al-Jawdhri, Dean of the College of Agriculture, and in cooperation with the Directorate of Tribal Affairs in Diwaniyah Governorate, the Deanship of the College of Agriculture held an awareness-raising lecture entitled (Combating Extremist and Alien Ideas in Iraqi Society), in which Brigadier General Maitham Maan Mujed Al-Shaalan, Assistant Professor Hassan Mahdi Abbas Al-Qasir, and Colonel Haider Rahman Kazim, a legal expert, lectured. The lecture aimed to shed light on the social phenomena alien to Iraqi society and their impact on social and family relations, as well as their impact on the values and behaviors of various members of society in light of the presence of influential external and internal circumstances, whether politically, economically or socially, which led to a change in the social values of Iraqi society, and an attempt to find solutions to limit the spread of these social phenomena
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