With the blessing of God Almighty …
The urban journey has started in its second phase after designing the new projects package, as the President of Al-Qadisiyah University, Professor Dr. Kazim Jabr Al-Jubouri, conducted a field visit to the construction site of the Scientific Departments Complex for the College of Dentistry as one of the links in the chain of major urban projects in its second package.
The President of the University was briefed on the first stages of establishing the project, which includes a three-story classroom complex, planned by Al-Qadisiyah University as part of a package of educational projects and study complexes being implemented within the allocations for regional development, food security, the poorest areas and the investment budget.
The university presidency has invested most of the investment channels in order to establish the foundations of its new urban projects.
It is worth noting that the project is located in the area adjacent to the campus gate from the circular road side with the aim of investing the areas located on the edges of the campus boundaries towards expansion and benefiting from areas far from the center of the campus.

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